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How to operate the concrete mixing plant

时间:2022-04-19 10:06:04 作者:远东 点击:

Concrete mixing plant is an essential equipment in the construction of buildings, bridges, roads, dams and other projects. It is composed of mechanical components such as material storage, batching, and discharging. It is a complex system restricted by multiple links. If you want to know how to operate a concrete mixing plant, you must first understand the operation precautions, so as to ensure the safety of operation. Below, Far East Machinery summarizes the operation precautions for how to operate a concrete mixing plant based on years of industry experience. Come Let's see.

Operation precautions for how to operate the concrete mixing plant:

1. Before starting work, first check whether the equipment is in normal condition. If it is not normal, it is strictly forbidden to start it;

2 When entering the inside of the host to knock the agglomerate, the power supply of the host should be cut off, and warning signs should be hung on the console and control cabinet, and the emergency stop switch of the host should be pressed quickly. .

3 During the production process, the relevant personnel should frequently inspect the equipment to check whether there are hidden dangers, and deal with the hidden dangers in time. When repairing the equipment, the personnel left in the operating room should follow the instructions of the maintenance personnel to operate the machine to ensure personal safety during maintenance, or turn off the operating power and take away the operating table key before maintenance.

4 When maintenance workers and electricians are repairing equipment, they must notify the operator on duty, and hang the "No Closing" sign on the key points (such as power supply and operation console). Remove the tag, it is strictly forbidden to operate the machine before the tag is removed.

5 When the belt conveyor is operating, it is strictly forbidden to drill under or over the belt, and when the belt slips, do not pull it by hand.

6 In order to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the operation status, the operator should hand over the shift in the control room and fill in the shift record.

7. Strictly abide by the system of appointing people and posts. The personnel on duty must concentrate their thoughts, closely monitor the working conditions of the system, and shall not leave their posts without authorization.

8 If the operator needs to work at heights (> 2 meters), he must wear safety protection equipment correctly before ascending to work at heights.

9. Safety precautions for electric welding and gas cutting: electric welding and gas cutting operations require a special industry license to operate. There shall be no flammable materials within 5 meters and below the welding and gas cutting operation points, and no oxygen cylinders within 10 meters. Oxygen cylinders and acetylene cylinders should be stored at a distance of more than 5 meters. Labor protective equipment should be worn during electric welding and gas cutting operations.

10 If the belt conveyor is found to be abnormal during inspection of the equipment, immediately press the emergency stop switch nearby, and notify the operator in the operating room to put the belt conveyor in a stopped state before troubleshooting.

11 The operator should understand the function of each emergency switch of the system, so as to make a correct response in time in an emergency.

Through the operation precautions of how to operate the concrete mixing plant shared above, I believe that everyone can understand what should be done correctly before, during and after the operation. Far East Machinery reminds: work in strict accordance with the above matters and pay attention to operation safety.